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RASofficialwebsite.com - - coming soon!
For those of you who don't know, RAS is the New Jersey (but some PA) based "Jackass" video. We have filmed many pranks and stunts which will go into the upcoming "RAS: Volume One".
e-mail comments and thoughts to punk__rawk11@hotmail.com
Check out the new t-shirts in the shop.
The Kodak Camera is working again. We have been filming much more for RAS and the NJams are practically dead. The Sharp Digital Viewcam Mini DV has a cracked screen but it will be fixed soon and The JVC will have a new battery soon. So, the only camera that can film correctly is Bryan Geiger's, but the footage from my camera is still pretty good. Dave Dougherty recently broke his foot in three places from jumping off of the WTHS balcony and Kenny Metcalf hurt his neck slightly from a shopping cart incident... but he's fine. Labor Day weekend brought a few good stunts to film for Bryan, Kenny, me, Karl, Jim, Greg, Paul Cuccinello, and others. The Premiere Party for RAS/ Asshole has been set to be for July 4, 2004 at my house. Admission will be 0 dollars and 0 cents, DVDs, Videos, T Shirts, Stickers, and stuff will be on sale inside and a couple bands will be playing... plus free food and drinks. RAS T-shirts are being made in a few different styles, they will be selling soon for 10 dollars each. E-mail me or Instant Message me if you want one and in which style, check out the styles in the RAS Store. Well, I can't think of much more to say so just browse around and sign the guestbook.     - - Stanton
Garrett's new site- - www.firstwind.tk
Look out for us in Washington Twp, we'll be filming a lot.
Derek Mahalik and Bill Goldhahn's new CKY video, ASSHOLE: www.ah03.cjb.net

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